Saturday, October 5, 2024
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Tilting bucket simulation with Kratos DEM

A tilting bucket and a hopper discharge are both interesting, but for the moment it would be sufficient to consider the tilting bucket, and its geometry does not matter.


InfoDay H2020

The Project Management Team of CIMNE, leaded by Sandra Pérez, and Cecilia Soriano, Staff Scientist at CIMNE, gave a talk on 20th January entitled “InfoDay H2020: New calls in H2020 under the new biannual work programme for 2016-2017”.


Xavier Cipriano, CIMNE-UPC - I Congreso Ciudades Inteligentes

Xavier Cipriano, CIMNE-UPC - I Congreso Ciudades Inteligentes Plataforma Semanco: valorar de forma integrada el impacto energético de la planificación urbana.


OKO, the photo frame developed by ICT CIMNE in "Generació Digital" (TV3)

OKO, the intelligent photo frame developed by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Group of CIMNE, has appeared recently in the catalan TV programme “Generació Digital” (TV3 channel). The device allows to recieve images, videos, music and reminders sended from a mobi...


btv - Terrícoles: Eugenio Oñate

Entrevistes a habitants de la terra de tots colors que tenen molt a dir. Avui, Lluís Reales conversa amb l'enginyer Eugenio Oñate, director del Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria.

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